POSTED ON31.05.2017
It is already official, Vladimir Ippolitov, the renowned ex soloist of the National Opera of Bordeaux who, in turn, worked under the masterly direction of Konstantin Tachkin at the St. Petersburg Ballet Theater and at the prestigious Mariinsky Theater, will give master classes of contemporary dance for students of Russian Masters 2017. After graduating from the Vaganova Academy and completing a masterful career as a ballet artist, in 2011 Vladimir felt the call of contemporary dance and became part of the great theater in Geneva led by Philippe Cohen. His success and fabulous reviews led him to work with several of the most renowned contemporary choreographers such as P. Lidberg, K. Ossola, A. Foniadakis, D. Veldman, F. Tshabalala and a long etcetera. Vladimir knows like no one the contemporary tendencies and will give all the necessary knowledge to our students to add the best secrets that the companies look for when selecting dancers. A real luxury for the extensive Russian Masters 2017 didactic program.