the RMB Stars Gala
POSTED ON05.06.2023
The end of the summer intensive course party in Alicante will be the Stars Gala on July 22 at the Teatro Principal @teatroprincipalicante

 Every year, for the tenth time, we organize a must-have Spanish event of the summer. You're not going to believe it, but we started prepping it the day after we finished the gala. We need a year to prepare an unforgettable evening.

This time we'll have an impressive cast. World-renowned ballet dancers will come to Alicante to dance on July 22 at the Main Theatre.

You will enjoy the art of:
Yolanda Correa @yolanda_correa_frias
Ricardo Castellanos @ricardoc197
Anna Ol @anna.ol_ballerina
Young Guy Choi @younggyuchoi
Svetlana Bednenko @svetlana_bednenko 
Nelson Lopez Garlo
Evgenia V. González @evgeniyavictorygonzalez 
Denis Matvienko @matvienko_ballet_master
Anastasia Matvienko @matvienko_family  

The principal dancers will play their royal roles. It will be a unique and extraordinary Gala. It's something you shouldn't miss this summer.
Detailed info and ticket link

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