RMB winter intensive - 2023. Photo by Andrey Lukovnikov
POSTED ON17.02.2023
We have two directions of our intensive courses:

Our Online intensive courses happen in Summer, Winter and Spring, of course! From 10th to 15th April you may join us for the RMB Online Spring Intensive.

With the upcoming spring we all hope for the rebirth and recovery of this world. We hope for peace, health and joy for all. Ballet has always been pure and healing art and we hope that all the children are able to keep training and dancing.
The spring program is exclusively created by the RMB team and its main goal is to improve our students’ technique thanks to work with the best teachers. Our goal is to be a sources of motivation for young ballet students by bringing this opportunity of training from home with the best quality.

More info at https://russianmastersballet.com

The intensive summer courses will be in Alicante (02 - 23 July) and Burgas (30 July - 20 August). On a daily basis students will have a full schedule of different ballet classes with different highly professional ballet teachers.

More info at https://russianmastersballet.com

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