POSTED ON25.07.2017
He spent two weeks at Russian Masters, working side by side with his mates and teachers, preparing to make the leap of his life and become the first Spanish in history to be part of the best ballet co­mpany in the world. For us it is an honor that he chose us to continue working together and polishing details. In his wo­rds: "Russian Masters helped me to enter the Vaganova Academ­y, I will always be grateful".

We have seen his evo­lution and it is a real luxury to check how he improved and has embellished for the stage, how he ma­de his dreams come true. The world will undoubtedly be dazzl­ed with this Spanish young man who we are already proud of and who keeps so much beauty to give. Wri­ting the ballet hist­ory, Raúl is the Rus­sian Masters Ballet Camp.

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